Theory of Financial Relativity - Daniel Moore

Theory of Financial Relativity

By Daniel Moore

  • Release Date: 2014-01-02
  • Genre: Investing


“One tries to understand how the order is the higher plane.  The order is there, where the big elements combine and guide existence; but in the minute elements this order is not perceptible."   What does a famous quotation from Albert Einstein have to do with investing?

Luckily, you do not have to be a genius to be a great investor, but you can improve your chances of success by becoming familiar with the Theory of Financial Relativity - a system of ideas explaining the “big elements” that persistently drive financial market value through time.

The insights in the book are compiled from Daniel Moore’s personal life experiences acquired in Nortel and Silicon Valley during the 1990s bubble, in the California real estate bubble during the 2000s, and as an investment professional in the 2008 financial market crisis and recovery.  His life perspective is augmented with quantitative analysis of financial market history from WWII through 2013, with emphasis on points in time when major market moves occurred.

Learn from history how the staggering U.S. National Debt has reduced economic growth and led to deflation, how Federal Reserve policy changes trigger stock market reactions, how the oil and gold market are integrally related and how these forces combine to drive financial market order over time.  Whether you are an investment professional or novice, the research contained in the book can give you an investing edge by better preparing you for the next major market move.
