Part by Part Synopsis of: Security Council Permit to Bedlam - Jean-Marc Lebouquin

Part by Part Synopsis of: Security Council Permit to Bedlam

By Jean-Marc Lebouquin

  • Release Date: 2017-08-11
  • Genre: Foreign Policy & International Relations


On 10 and 11 September 2015 both Houses of the 114th Congress debated and voted on a deal negotiated by Barack Obama and Ministers of the Govt. of Iran. The Congress believed the JCPOA, signed in Vienna on 14 July 2015, was the whole "Iran Deal," (it is not). The Congressional Record reveals that not one Congressperson of either Party in either House could have done more than taken a token glance at the JCPOA under debate.
From Nov. 2016 - June 2017 the first 9 of an ongoing series of nuclear weapons related transfers to Iran were approved by the U.N. per the provisions of the JCPOA and in violation of treaty.
Had anyone in the 114th Congress read the JCPOA, it would be known that these planned ongoing approvals of such transfers each rely on a favoring U.S. vote, doled out by the Executive administration.
Obama instigated the process, the next President retains it. The U.S. Govt. votes for a trade each time one comes up. The U.S. Legislature is responsible for ignoring this.
The 115th Congress, not showing much of an attention span, doesn't review and note what the 114th wouldn't look at.
The long "Security Council Permit to Bedlam" explains how U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action; directly establishes an accelerating system under which the Council sponsors and expedites the transfer to Iran, a non-nuclear weapon State, the means to manufacture nuclear weapons, and complete control of these as of 18 October 2030. Source Documentation for everything described in this book is exclusively from unclassified primary sources; i.e. the resolution itself, associated Security Council and International Atomic Energy Agency documents and bulletins, U.S. State Dept records, etc.
That book discusses the process of these transfers, which are intended to be ongoing; and discusses the fact that the United Nations developed and established an official U.N. internal bureaucracy, the "Procurement Working Group," to manage and expedite such transfers over the long term, in what could be construed as the most extreme violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty, NPT) ever attempted on public record to date.
That book documents the resolution in relation to State Sponsorship of Terror; and documents in detail the intentional political ruses, both domestic and international, used as attempts to conceal this obvious and easily documented charade;
How the five permanent members of the Council managed to dupe the non-permanent members of the Council into believing they were voting on something else – and how the U.S. Obama administration completely evaded submitting the authentic text of the resolution to the Congress contrary to United States Law – specifically the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015; Public Law 114–17; 129 STAT. 201, signed into law by then U.S. President Barack Obama himself.
This synopsis is an overview, much more accessible but without the extensive detail and documentation – nevertheless, it hopes to give a more immediate sense of the affair and can be read free all the way through. Even an extensive sample of the long book will only tell one part of the multi-layered story.
The governments in the neighborhood of Iran, those several of which are targeted by that State, have all read and understood the undertakings set forth in United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231; while these governments show restraint, the danger of both conventional escalation and international nuclear weapons proliferation, provoked by Resolution 2231, is ongoing and increasing the longer the provisions of Resolution 2231 continue to be favorably acted upon by the Security Council and the United States.
The highly respected International Court of Justice is the proper venue to petition for remedy from the ongoing violations of treaties and international law currently undertaken by the United Nations Security Council.
