A Harmless Little Ruse - Meli Raine

A Harmless Little Ruse

By Meli Raine

  • Release Date: 2016-11-18
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 511 Ratings


She has no idea what she’s doing. Loose cannons never hit their targets.

And they take out plenty of collateral damage.

Four years ago Lindsay experienced the unspeakable right before me, and I couldn’t stop them.

But that’s all changed now.

When her father, Senator Bosworth, contacted me to ask — demand — that I protect her, it was a second chance. A shot at redemption.

An opportunity to right an unspeakable wrong.

Controlling Lindsay as she seeks her revenge on the monsters who hurt her won’t be hard.

Containing my own out-of-control feelings for Lindsay and keeping up this ruse of cold-blooded distance will be.

Even harder than admitting to her what really happened that night four years ago.

It turns out I don’t have to, though.

Someone else did it for me.

And I’ll make sure they regret it.

* * *

A Harmless Little Ruse is the second book in this political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine, and is entirely from Drew’s perspective.

Listen to the audiobook, narrated by Sebastian York!


  • Edge of your seat

    By Debrit
    I happened on the first book by chance. Loved it, couldn’t put it down! Had to buy the second right away and just finished it. These books have kept me on the edge of my seat turning page after page waiting breathless to see who the mole is!!!!! Guess I will head to the bookstore for the last. Can’t wait !
  • Unbelievable. Fabulous. Amazing.

    By Possible writer
    Meli Raine writes the best fiction. Let’s just mention that the intrigue of this series is beyond top notch. I have read Clancy, Ludlum, Johansen, DeMille, Cornwell, Flynn, Martini and Thor - to mention just a few of the authors who excel at great novels. This author is in their league. Not only are the intricacies of the plot amazing, but she has believable characters and love woven into the story. READ this series. I can’t wait to get into the next book.
  • Awesome read!!!

    By Bwalters07
    Yeah, great book!!! So ready to read the final book in the trilogy!
  • Totally addicting!

    By Babyraja
    I loved the first one!! I was a lil disappointed that this one was through Drew, especially not backing up to the day he picked Lindsey up from the Island but it still is AWESOME!! I have read all through 4 times now and I've only owned them for a few weeks!! A must have series!! (I hope they make a movie too!)
  • A Harmless Little Ruse

    By lassie803
    Excellent read!!
  • Wow, Wow, WOW!!!!

    By T1darryl
    Can't wait for this puzzle to straighten out.
  • Round 2

    By Dr. KRF
    The second book of this collection has a lot more humor and don't leave me hanging, unlike the first. The storyline was not elongated or frustrated me getting to the point. Now, I'm excited to began the final book in this collection and can't wait to read if everything comes to light...meaning my suspicions were right!!!
  • Must read!!!!

    By I........ME
    I am loving this series!! Love the story. I seriously cannot put these book down. I'm on to the last. I hope there is more from this author!
  • A Harmless Little Game

    By Olderheart
    Drew and Lindsay fight against family, friends, enemies and political foes. Excited to confirm if or not, those that I suspect are guilty in book three.
  • a fantastically breathtaking epic level thriller

    By shadowplay4u
    A Harmless Little Ruse is a fantastically breathtaking epic level thriller that will wrap its dangerous fingers around your heart until you are caught in a web much too tangled and slippery to ever free yourself. The only solution is to ride out this lethal mystery until its deadly end. Along the way, you will learn more then you ever wanted about the dark side of humanity through the eyes of a man who refuses to admit defeat in his desperate attempt to both protect and love the one woman who holds his heart and soul captive. This is one romantic thriller that will literally have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. You will get no time outs as you navigate the twisted and manipulative world of politics where anything goes for a price and anyone’s loyalty can easily be bought and sold. Drew has lived a non-stop nightmare for the past 4 years. He couldn’t protect the woman he loved, so all he has left is revenge. When he was requested to protect Lindsay, he knows he has been given a second chance. The last thing he wants to do is waste this precious gift, and yet how can he protect her and get close to her again? With stubborn determination, he sets out to both protect Lindsay and set his own plan in motion. What he doesn’t anticipate is Lindsay. She isn’t the same girl he fell in love with. She’s changed and is so much more than he ever imagined. Can he pull her close while keeping his secrets locked up, or will she prove to be the wildcard he never counted on and send his plan in a tail spin of death? If I thought that Chase, Allie, Mark, and Carrie got under my skin, I was in no way prepared for Drew and Lindsay. How could anyone be? These two have suffered and endured the unspeakable, and yet they still are made to suffer for something they can’t even comprehend. When you have no allies on your side and trusting anyone could bring death, how can you move ahead without shattering and becoming completely undone by fear and despair? Instead, these two extraordinary characters have chosen to hold onto each other and fight for all they are worth. When the world is against you, you keep a strangle hold onto the only love and hope that you can find. They have come so far, and I absolutely love how they have made themselves so vulnerable to the other for the sake of a glimpse of hope and love that they can’t afford to hold onto. What a beautiful testament to the human spirit we see in Drew and Lindsay. Meli Raine is one outstanding author who continues to shine and brighten my world. Without her extraordinary gift, I would feel a definite void in my heart. Her writing it something not to be missed! If you are looking for perfection in the literary world, then she is as close as you will ever get.
